1. Remember! Business School network is for life! You need to maintain your network after the MBA
  2. Try to go reunion activities each year
  3. Remember to celebrate your friends b`day/new year/marriage…etc
  4. Social Responsibility: I strongly recommend everyone to involve at least 1 or 2 social responsibility projects with your classmates
  5. If English is not your native language, keep the knowledge that you already have or even to enhance your skills! Writing a book will encourage you to enhance your writing skills
  6. Read all the books that are recommended by professors during the courses. I have a list of 130+ books
  7. If you are working for a large organisation, you won`t be able to apply all your learning since most likely you won`t manage E2E business. Therefore, try to become an advisory for a start-up. It will help you to use your knowledge at MBA